Nowadays, it is widely recognized that making research results more accessible contributes to better and more efficient science, and to innovation in the public and private sectors.
Journal of Immunological Sciences is a multidisciplinary, open access, peer-reviewed that publishes papers of the highest quality and significance in all areas of immunology. The journal aims at maintaining scholarly communication ecosystem for the transfer of expert knowledge synthesized from the exponentially expanding corpus of scientific literature to scholars and society. The greatest benefit of the open access policy followed by the journal is that it enables the results of scholarly research to be disseminated more rapidly and widely:
- More people can read the results of scholarly research, including those who would otherwise not be able to access that information because they cannot afford the subscription to an expensive journal, for example.
- New ideas can be dispersed more rapidly and widely, which in turn triggers new research studies; it serves as an impetus for knowledge.
- Businesses also have broad access to the most recent scientific ideas, which they can then build on. Open access contributes to the knowledge economy and provides an economic boost.
- Since open access also implies wider reuse, recent knowledge can be put to immediate use in teaching.
Open Access seeks to return scholarly publishing to its original purpose: to spread knowledge and allow that knowledge to be built upon. Price barriers should not prevent students (or anyone) from getting access to research they need. Open Access, and the open availability and searchability of scholarly research that it entails, will have a significant positive impact on everything from education to the practice of medicine to the ability of entrepreneurs to innovate. With this policy of Increased citation and usage, Wider collaboration, Increased interdisciplinary conversation, we aim towards our Goal of inspiring the immunologists and researchers to tailor effective therapies and provide a better diagnostic facility that might improve the life expectancy of patients suffering from Immune Diseases.